Upcoming Events

Come along to our meetups to improve your art in a relaxed and social atmosphere and under the guidance of a professional instructor. Complete beginners to experienced artists all welcome.

Our 2 hour meetups are held in a different location each time, usually outdoors.

Bring your own materials. If you are a complete beginner all you need to start is a set of watercolour paints, brushes, and water container.

Who can attend? Open to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced artists. The instructor is there to help everyone.

The meeting point and full details for the day are sent in the booking confirmation email to the email address you provide at time of booking.

Join the Long Island Watercolor Group on Facebook to share your art and enjoy the art of other locals.
San Diego Watercolor Group
Title or Location: On my dining room table
I painted this to commemorate an amazing mentor. - my college philosophy professor. This is actually Nietzsche, someone he deeply admired. Since I admired my professor, it seemed fitting to paint this in his memory. He passed away after I graduated, but his impact on my college education stayed with me forever.
Credit: Amy Mellor
Instagram: @amellor74

Adelaide Watercolour Group
Title or Location: Admirals Arch, Kangaroo Island
My friend has given me permission to use his photo as reference using Daniel Smith and Holbein watercolours with Dr PH Martin's bleed proof white and a little Brusho on Baohong fine block
Credit: Marrilyn Northeast
Nottingham Watercolour Group
Title or Location:
Watercolour on nott surfaced paper.
Credit: Home this evening
Facebook: GELLION

Bridgeport Watercolor Group
Title or Location: Flower Pots
Watercolor using my non dominant hand in my ?Challenges in Art? Class with Chris Goldbach, instructor.
Credit: Diana Wendy Kleros

Perth Watercolour Group
Title or Location: Wildflower Season at Jurien Bay
I visited Jurien Bay last year in spring.Almost 50 km South east of the bay is the Badgingarra National Park where there were beautiful wild pink Everlasting flowers but it was this the tree that caught my eye. It looked so majestic amongst them.
Credit: Alpana Teena Singh
Houston Watercolor Group
Title or Location: I did not take the photo. I believe it is a stock photo. I painted this painting as a study painting hair/fur and grass/sky.
I am meeting with a group of artists using watercolor over zoom. They are mostly in VA, but the leader/teacher is in Midland now. We are taking on a project to paint an EPIC painting larger than we are accustomed to in order to stretch ourselves. We decided on the animal/ outdoor ranch/farm theme. I am very new to watercolor so I welcomed the challenge. Since then I had the nerve to paint my cat and dog. It is an enjoyable experience. I'm on to painting a horse now.
Credit: Melaney McShan
Facebook: Melaney L. Davis-McShan
Instagram: mcshandr

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